hear what people are saying about Deep 13!:
"Allofher Twitch does for dancing shoes what Valtrex does for Herpes, or something like that"
-Barry Donegan (Look What I Did)
"i feel like i'm in a horror movie"
-Cody Bottoms (formerly of Little Plastic Ghost, and The Desposed)
"Listen to this album while wearing headphones, it feels like a midgit is fucking your brain."
-Scab Rust (Insurrect, Blooded)
"this sounds like music that gay people would dance to"
-some random guy in a chatroom
"I can now sweat blood thanks to Allofher Twitch. Why can't he just rap like normal white suburbanites?"
-Lark (The Rehab Four's Illegitimate Child)
"Listening to Allofher Twitch makes you want to scream and rage till it's all out, then say fuck it.
Gotta love shit that does that!"
-Katerinara (Whispering Desperation, god help her...her picture is ALL OVER this site!)
"you should've given me the cd for free"
-Colby Shea (Look What I Did)
"It shoulda came witta prize."
-Mr. Band Aid (Damn Water Fountain)